Geoscience Reference
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procedure. The zone of shear stress concentrations and thus potential failure
surface can be depicted from the results of analysis.
The use and limitations of different unit cell devices in studying the reinforcing
mechanism of soils are discussed. The strain path of reinforcement is an
important issue to be considered, and the drainage conditions if cohesive is used.
For boundary-value problems, unit cell testing will not be relevant. In addition to
the study of mechanism, the triaxial compression test may also be used to
determine the input parameters for constitutive models in finite-element analysis
was treated as a locally homogeneous material (e.g., Wu et al., 1992).
RH Bassett, NC Last. Reinforcing earth below footings and embankments. Proceedings of
Symposium on Earth Reinforcement. Pittsburgh, 1978, ASCE, pp 202-231.
BB Broms. Triaxial tests with fabric-reinforced soil. C.R. Coll. Int. Sols Text. Paris:
129-133, 1977.
B Chandrasekaran, BB Broms, KS Wong. Strength of fabric reinforced sand under
axisymmetric loading. Geotext. Geomembr. 8: 293-310, 1989.
KFabian.Claygeotextileinteractionintriaxialtests. Chapter5 inClay-Geotextile
Interaction Laboratory and Model Tests. Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor
of Philosophy, University of Queensland, Australia, pp 5-1-5-38, 1988.
DH Gray, H Ohashi. Mechanics of fiber reinforcement in sand. J. Geotech. Eng. ASCE
109(3): 335-353, 1983.
RD Holtz, WR Tobin, WW Burke. Creep characteristics and stress-strain behavior of a
geotextile-reinforced sand. Proceedings of Second International Conference on
Geotextiles, Las Vegas, 1982, pp 805-809.
TS Ingold. Reinforced clay—A preliminary study using the triaxial apparatus. C.R. Coll.
Renforcement des Sols. Paris: 59-64, 1979.
TS Ingold. A laboratory simulation of reinforced clay walls. Geotechnique 31(3):
399-412, 1981.
TSIngold.Mechanicsandconcept.ReinforcedEarth, Chapter2. London:Thomas
Telford, 1982, pp 4-32.
TS Ingold. Reinforced clay subject to undrained triaxial loading. J. Geotech. Eng. ASCE
109(5): 738-744, 1983a.
TS Ingold. A laboratory investigation of grid reinforcements in clay. Geotech. Testing
J. ASTM 6(3): 112-119, 1983b.
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