Geoscience Reference
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Figure 4 Convergence of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix composed of the
input accelerations.
the higher-frequency energy is being removed from the excitation process, and
this would affect results of response simulations for systems with natural
frequencies in that range. For a complete discussion and error analysis of the
truncation and fitting procedures, see Masri et al. (1998).
Once the excitation process has been condensed into an approximate analytical
form, one can quickly obtain the second-order probabilistic description of the
transient response of linear multidegree-of-freedom systems (Smyth, 1998). For
simple illustration purposes a single-degree-of-freedom system with a natural
frequency of 1 Hz and 5% critical damping is considered for response analysis to
this excitation process. This example could simplistically represent the dominant
modal response of a multistory building. From the closed-form analytical
response solution, the response covariance matrix, shown in Fig. 6, is obtained.
The diagonal of this matrix represents transient mean-square response of
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