Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2
Plan view of Arifiye overpass and the fault rupture trace.
was supported on piles, and the RE wing walls and approach fills rested on 1 m of
fill overlying natural ground. As can be seen, the foundation soil originally had a
moderate slope that was leveled for construction. The base of the left wall is
75 cm higher than the right wall. A reinforced concrete culvert of 4.8m width
passed beneath the RE wall. The culvert is located in a creek channel that runs
beneath the site.
2.1 Subsoil Conditions
The Arifiye wall site is situated within a deposit of Quaternary alluvial sediments.
Soil borings obtained from State Highway Directorate, along with CPTs and
shear wave velocity measurements performed for this study, indicate the
presence of alternating layers of medium clay and medium sand with the water
table at a depth of about 5 m. A typical CPT that extends to a depth of 25 m is
shown in Fig. 4.
It can be seen that the upper 8 m of the profile consist of 1 m of fill
underlain by a 2 m-thick medium clay layer that is underlain by a 1 m-thick
medium-dense sand stratum. A loose silty sand layer
is found between
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