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AMAmirebrahimi, LRHerrmann. Continuummodel and analysis of wick-drained systems.
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J Fowler. Theoretical design considerations for fabric reinforced embankments. Proc. 2nd
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LR Herrmann, VN Kaliakin, YF Dafalias. Computer Implementation of the Bounding
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LR Herrmann, VN Kaliakin. User's Manual for SAC-2, A Two-Dimensional Nonlinear
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LR Herrmann, VN Kaliakin, CK Shen, KD Mish, ZY Zhu. Numerical implementation of
plasticity model for cohesive soils. J. Engineering Mechanics, ASCE 113(4):
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VN Kaliakin, KK Muraleetharan, YF Dafalias, LR Herrmann. Foundation-response
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VN Kaliakin, YF Dafalias. Theoretical aspects of the elastoplastic-viscoplastic bounding
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HL Ling, D Yue, VN Kaliakin, NJ Themelis. An anisotropic elasto-plastic bounding
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P Schimelfenyg, J Fowler, D Leshchinsky. Fabric reinforced containment dike, New
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D Yue. An isotropic and time-dependent bounding surface model for clays and its
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