Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
The Verrand Embankment is 37.5m high and some 150 m long, for a total
volume of about 120,000 m 3 (Sembenelli and Sembenelli, 1998). Its geometry
is shown in Fig. 1. The lower 27.5m are reinforced, while the top is a
conventional compacted fill, with a 1.5H to 1 V slope, initially designed to be
10 m high and finally brought to 15m. The volume of the reinforced fill is
50,000m 3 .
The reinforced portion consists of three 9-m-high blocks, with face angle of
from the horizontal. The blocks are stepped to create 5-m-wide berms,
sloping almost parallel to the riverbed grade. A 5-m-wide service ramp runs on
the lower berm and cuts the second and third blocks.
The reinforced soil structure was founded on competent foundation. The
surface of the foundation soil, either at the bottom or on the slope, had been
stepped to improve interlocking with the new fill.
The toe of the HRSS had to be protected from river action by a cyclopean
masonry wall, about 4 m high, founded on a row of micropiles capped by a
concrete beam.
Deep and surface drainage systems were key features in the design.
Figure 1
Plan of the Verrand high reinforced soil structure.
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