Geoscience Reference
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precursors are emitted primarily on the west side of the
rising in the air, how would you define the plume dis-
persion shape?
6.13. From Figure 6.27, determine the following quan-
tities: (a) inversion base height, (b) inversion top height,
(c) inversion base temperature, (d) inversion top tem-
perature, (e) inversion strength, (f) inversion thickness,
and (g) mixing depth.
6.10. Summarize the meteorological conditions that
tend to enhance and reduce, respectively, photochemi-
cal smog buildup in an area.
6.11. If emissions did not change with season, why
might CO(g) and aerosol particle concentrations be
higher in winter than in summer?
6.14. What wind speed is needed for a pollution plume
emitted at 45 Nlatitude and 3-km altitude to circum-
navigate the globe back to its original position in six
days if it travels without changing latitude or altitude?
6.12. If a diesel engine truck is driving in front of you,
and much of the exhaust is entering your car and not
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