Geoscience Reference
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K ÜHNELT , W. (1976). Soil Biology: with special reference to the animal kingdom. 2nd
edn (translated by N. Walker). London: Faber & Faber.
L AVELLE , P. (1988). Earthworm activities and the soil system. Biology & Fertility of
Soils. 6: 237-251.
L IDGATE , H.J. (1984). Benefits of fertiliser input to arable cropping. Chemistry & In-
dustry. 18: 649-652.
L IVINGSTON , B.E. ed. (1922). Palladin's Plant Physiology. Philadelphia: P. Blackis-
M ACKNEY , D. ed. (1974). Soil Type and Land Capability. Technical Monograph No
6. Harpenden: Soil Survey. (Contains papers on distribution of soil types, clay soils,
and drainage).
M ACRAE , I.C. (1989). Microbial metabolism of pesticides and structurally related
compounds. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 109: 1-87.
M ALTBY , E. (1984). Response of soil microflora to moorland reclamation for im-
proved agriculture. Plant & Soil. 76: 183-193.
M ELLANBY , K. (1967). Pesticides and Pollution. London: Collins.
M ELLANBY , K. (1971). The Mole. London: Collins.
M ELLANBY , K. (1981). Farming and Wildlife. London: Collins.
M ILES , J. (1981). The Effect of Birch on Moorlands. Cambridge: Institute of Terrestri-
al Ecology.
M ILES , J., L ATTER , P.M., S MITH , I.R. & H EAL , O.W. (1988). Ecological effects of
killing Bacillus anthracis on Gruinard Island with formaldehyde. Reclamation and
Revegetation Research. 6: 271-283.
M ILNER , C. & B ALL , D.F. (1970). Factors affecting the distribution of the mole in
Snowdonia. Journal of Zoology , London. 12: 61-69.
M OFFAT A.J. (1988). Forestry and soil erosion in Britain - a review. Soil Use & Man-
agement. 4: 41-44.
M ORGAN , R.P.C. (1985). Assessment of soil erosion risk in England and Wales. Soil
Use & Management. 1: 127-131
M ORRISON , J. J ACKSON , M.V. & S PARROW , P.E. (1980). The response of perennial
ryegrass to fertilizer nitrogen in relation to climate and soil. Technical Report No 27.
Hurley: Grassland Research Institute.
P AUL , E.A. (1984). Dynamics of organic matter in soil. Plant & Soil. 76: 275-285.
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