Geoscience Reference
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B IBBY , J.S. (1986). Principal features of the formation of hill- land soils, their man-
agement and capability in cool, moist temperate climates. In: Land and its Uses , ed-
ited by F.T.Last, M.C.B.Holz, & B.G.Bell. New York: Plenum.
B LACK , C.A. (1986). Soil-Plant Relationships. London: Wiley.
B LOWER , J.G. (1985). Millipedes: Keys and notes for the identification of the species.
Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series) No 35. London: Brill, for the Linnean
Society of London & The Estuarine and Brackish Water Sciences Association
B OLT G.H. & B RUGGENWERT M.G.M. eds (1978). Soil Chemistry A: Basic Elements.
Developments in Soil Science 5A. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
B RIAN , M.V. (1977). Ants. London: Collins.
B URGES , A. & R AW , F. eds (1958). Soil Biology. London: Academic Press. [Includes
chapters on all major groups of soil organisms, including protozoa and Enchytraeidae
not covered here].
C AMERON , R.A.D., J ACKSON , N. & E VERSHAM , B. (1983). Afield key to the slugs of
the British Isles. Field Studies. 5: 807-824.
C ARSON E.W. (1974). The
Environment. Charlottesville:
University Press of Virginia.
C HRISTIEN , E. (1978). The jump of the springtails. Naturwissenschaften. 65: 495-496
C OAKER , T.H. (1965). Further experiments on the effect of beetle predators on the
numbers of the cabbage root fly, Erioschia brassicae (Boucha), attacking brassica
crops. Annals of Applied Biology. 56: 7-20.
C OOKE , G.W. (1970). The carrying capacity of the land in the year 2000. In: The Op-
timum Population for Britain , edited by L.R.Taylor. Symposium of the Institute of
Biology No 9. London: Academic Press.
C OOKE , G.W. (1967). The Control of Soil Fertility. London: Crosby, Lockwood &
C OOKE , G.W. (1982). Fertilizing for Maximum Yield. 3rd edn. London: Crosby, Lock-
wood & Son.
C OURTNEY , F.M. & T RUDGILL , S.T. (!984). The Soil. London: Edward Arnold.
C RUIKSHANK J.G. (1972). Soil Geography. Newton Abbot: David & Charles.
C URTIS , L.F. C OURTNEY , F.M. & T RUDGILL , S. (1976). Soils in the Brilish Isles. Lon-
don: Longmans.
D ARWIN , C. (1881). The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of
Worms. London: John Murray. Reissued in 1945 as: Darwin on Humus and the Earth-
worm. London: Faber & Faber.
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