Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Establish the rules and procedures designated officials should follow when
facing the issues of succession to office.
Include in the succession procedures the conditions under which succes-
sion will take place in accordance with applicable laws and procedures; the
method of notification; and any temporal, geographical, or organizational
limitations to the authorities granted by the orders of succession.
Include orders of succession in the vital records and ensure that they are avail-
able at the continuity facilities or other continuity of operations locations in
the event the continuity plan is activated.
Revise orders of succession, as necessary, and distribute the revisions promptly
as changes occur.
Delegations of Authority
To ensure a rapid response to any emergency requiring the implementation of its
continuity plan, an organization should delegate authorities for making policy
determinations and other decisions, at the field, satellite, and other organizational
levels, as appropriate. It is vital to clearly establish delegations of authority, so that
all organization personnel know who has the right to make key decisions during a
continuity situation. Generally, a predetermined delegation of authority will take
effect when normal channels of direction and control are disrupted and will lapse
when those channels are reestablished.
Primary Facilities
When creating a continuity plan, it is important to first identify the locations where
an organization operates. This information is used to identify the types of amenities
and specific requirements currently in place to support the operations of an organi-
zation under normal operations.
Alternate Facilities
As part of the continuity planning process, all organizations should identify con-
tinuity facilities; alternate uses for existing facilities; and, as appropriate, virtual
office options including telework. Risk assessments should be conducted on these
facilities to provide reliable and comprehensive data to inform risk mitigation deci-
sions that will allow nonfederal entities to protect assets, systems, networks, and
functions while determining the likely causes and impacts of any disruption. All
personnel should be briefed on organization continuity plans that involve using
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