Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Do you have systems and procedures for:
Identifying staffing capabilities needed to maintain public information
operations for 24 hours per day for at least several days? (Note: Staff may
include regular full- and part-time staff as well as PIOs from other agencies
or departments, disaster employees, volunteers, etc.)
Establishing and maintaining agreements for acquiring or borrowing
temporary staff? (Note: Such agreements may be mutual aid arrangements or
Memorandums of Understanding.)
Granting emergency authority to hire or call up temporary staff or those on
loan from other organizations?
Establishing and maintaining job descriptions and qualifications for
individuals serving as your organization's PIO and other roles during an
Assigning a staff member and at least one to alternate the role and
responsibilities of PIO?
Determining if the assigned PIO(s) is qualified? Sample qualifications
Experience and skills in providing general and emergency public
Ability to represent your organization professionally (can articulate
public information messages well when dealing with the media and
the public, and can handle on-camera interviews).
Written and technical communication skills (writing/editing,
photography, graphics, and Internet/Web design proficiency).
Management and supervision experience and skills needed to run
a JIC.
Establishing and maintaining a list of language translators available to assist
with public information? (Note: Such a network should include sign language
interpreters and individuals capable of writing and speaking the non-English
language(s) used by individuals in your jurisdiction.
Establishing and maintaining working relationships with PIO partners from
other organizations that you might need to work with during an incident
(e.g., PIOs from other jurisdictions, other government agencies or
departments, nongovernmental organizations, and private entities)?
Developing and maintaining working relationships with your local and
regional media, and established procedures for providing information to
those media entities effectively and efficiently during incidents?
Figure 21.1 ( Continued )
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