Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Monitoring for rumors and responding to them
Relations with the media
Creating coordinated and consistent messages through
Identifying key information to be communicated to the public
Creating the message that provides the key information in a clear and
easily understood method
Prioritizing messages so the most important gets out first and that the
public is not overwhelmed with the amount of information
Verifying the accuracy of information
Making sure the message gets out through the most effective means available
The overall JIS provides the means to coordinate the messages being released
to the public by all elements of government involved in the disaster response—
whether multiple local jurisdictions, or local, state, and federal governments; mul-
tiple disciplines involved in the response; nongovernment organizations involved
with the response; and the private sector. This coordination is particularly impor-
tant because all the voices involved in the disaster should be providing substantially
the same message.
One of the important elements to keep in mind when dealing with a large emer-
gency response situation is that different disciplines may have their own spokesper-
son or PIO present and different jurisdictions may have their own spokesperson or
PIO present as well. It is possible that these PIOs may serve as the basis for the JIC
Table 21.5
Noteworthy Details on JIS and JIC
JIS Provides a Structure
and System for
JIC Provides a Place to
Developing and delivering
coordinated interagency messages
Centrally facilitate operation of the JIS
during and after an incident
Creating, recommending and
executing public information plans
and strategies
Increase information coordination
Advising Incident Commander about
incident relevant public affairs issues
Reduce misinformation
Monitoring and correcting
erroneous information circulating
among the media or the public
Maximize resources for dealing with
the public and the media
Be adaptable to the size and scale of
the incident—from three PIOs at the
scene to 150 PIOs at a major disaster
from multiple locations
Provides “one stop shopping” for the
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