Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Resupply points
ESF-7, Logistics
and resource
Mobilization centers,
incident support bases, air
operations bases, staging
Commodities, multi-
Local, mutual aid, state,
EMAC, NGO, federal
Points of
Bulk commodities
General public
ESF-7 functions
ESF-6 functions
Figure 19.8
Commodity distribution flow.
should be designed to supply life-sustaining commodities to individuals including
shelf-stable meals, tents, tarps, bottled water, and medications. Support for medi-
cation and medical supplies can be requested through ESF-8, Public Health and
Medical Services.
Evacuation/Shelter of Household Pets and Service Animals
Animal owners have the primary responsibility for the survival and wellbeing of
their animals. Although it may be logistically challenging, colocating pet shelters
near congregate shelters allows owners to spend time with and to care for their
pets. The general concept of operations for pets provided in Figure 19.9 is inclusive
of evacuation operations and mass care. Local, state, federal, and all supporting
stakeholders should make the appropriate allocation of resources to accommodate
household pets, to the extent possible.
Pet embarkation is the responsibility of the owner of the animal in conjunction
with the local jurisdiction in which the owner resides. Integration of transportation-
assisted pets into the Consolidated Service Sites is essential to allow accurate
Pets sheltering
Pets embarkation
Evacuated by owner or
service center
Pets formally incorporated
into tracking system for
transit and sheltering
Pets transportation
Specialized assests used to
transport pets
Figure 19.9
Pet sheltering operations.
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