Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 19.3
Time Phased Response
Response Phase
Phase 1—Incident
Incident occurs and triggers notification of local,
tribal, state, and federal officials. Situational
awareness may be sporadic and fragmented.
Phase 2—Activation
and Immediate
Local agencies activate available resources, tend to
immediate response needs, assess conditions
throughout their jurisdiction, develop better
situational awareness, and escalate information
regarding the incident and resource needs to other
local, regional, and state agencies. Predefined
conditions for various types of emergencies may also
trigger notification of federal agencies.
Phase 3—Deployment
As situational awareness is enhanced, additional
local and state resources may be deployed to
facilitate properly scaled response operations. States
may request mutual aid and federal assistance as
required to support escalating emergencies.
Phase 4—Sustained
Sustained response is characterized by defined
operational periods and resources necessary to
support response operations. Sustained response
continues until life/health issues and other critical
response objectives are addressed.
Phase 5—Recovery
The recovery phase involves restoration of
conditions to pre-event status, if possible. For ESF-6,
recovery is characterized by placement of people in
their original homes or a suitable replacement and
financial and medical independence.
General Concept of Operations
Concepts for providing mass care, sheltering, and human services should consider
resources available both inside and outside of a particular jurisdiction. In some
rural jurisdictions, resources may not be available to support even small-scale dis-
placement of citizens for a prolonged period. Likewise, large metropolitan areas
are more likely to incur larger numbers of displaced individuals in a catastrophic
event, which may require support from outside jurisdictions. Figure 19.5 describes a
general concept of operations to support ESF-6 functions with consideration given
to impact area support as well as support external to the impact area. This concept
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