Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Planning for a special event is a challenge for even the most seasoned emergency
manager or public safety professional. It requires a degree of flexibility while still
maintaining a clear view of the objective goals of the response purpose. The devel-
opment and establishment of many special events at local, state, and federal levels
have brought numerous ideas and tactics that have been proven time and time
In developing these plans, planners should reach out to those in other agencies
that have had experiences, both successes and failures, to see the lessons learned
from the events. This can help streamline future planning for special events. This
will produce an overall better-orchestrated response that can protect those who are
in the special event venue.
The public relations for the agencies and organizations involved with a special
event response plan can be beneficial for all involved. The public views a combined
group including various agencies that are working well together. This creates a very
positive public perception of the organizations involved. It shows government funds
being actively used, instead of passively being consumed by sitting in the firehouse
or squad car. It helps convey a message of concern for everyone's enjoyment of these
special events.
Using special events planning as a foundation for long-term deployment exer-
cises is also an added benefit. The small-scale special events that occur on a regu-
lar basis may be used to create foundations of cooperation between agencies. This
cooperation may then be beneficial as the experience and lessons learned from the
events are applied during a disaster or large-scale event. The overarching success
of special events will then help establish a more robust and dependable emergency
response community within the municipality that has trained and experienced per-
sonnel to help protect the public.
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