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a CTion -p lanning s ession
During the Action-Planning Session of today's exercise, you should focus on iden-
tifying the next steps to enhance your emergency response plans. During this ses-
sion, you will discuss the answers to the following questions and complete an
Action-Planning Guide that supports developing both short- and long-term
actions or program capability development goals and objectives. After answer-
ing the following questions individually, categorize the indicated actions on the
Action-Planning Matrix. Once the majority of participants have completed their
questions and matrix, the group will complete the Action-Planning Guide.
Action-Planning Questions
1. List the plans, policies, procedures, mission assignments, associated subtask-
ing and other delegations, and other preparedness elements that you think
should be further reviewed, supplemented, or developed. Which are the high-
est priorities?
2. Identify the actions you think should be taken to deal with the variety of
possible infrastructure impacts and consequences associated with any major
disaster or emergency.
3. What types of training do utility and local, state, and federal government
personnel need to more effectively support response/recovery efforts? Other
than Incident Command System (ICS) training, what training would help
you be fully prepared?
4. Describe the personal action steps you plan to take to improve your level of
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