Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
For all exercises, consider the risk and exposure of personal injury and
equipment damage. For all drills and full-scale exercises, you must
evaluate the risks and liabilities, the insurance coverage, and safety
All exercises entail expenses. Make sure you do not reach too far in
your exercise design! Keep the scope manageable, not too large or too
complex, and select the participants who are best suited and would
actively be involved according to the exercise program, type, budget, and
Consider the following items to see if these are items you may need
and whether there is a cost limitation on the type of exercise you are
• Your time
• Other people's time
• Equipment and materials
• Contract services
• Miscellaneous items (e.g., snack, lunch, cofee, pencils)
• Fuel to run equipment and transport volunteers
Some examples to consider:
• Staf with emergency management roles and responsibilities should
have those actions reflected in their job description. Therefore, an
exercise is a function of their department and the role of that person.
• Every employee who has an emergency management role of responsi-
bility should have time set aside to participate in training, planning,
and exercising.
• Costs for routine participation in exercises should be recognized by
agency or organization officials.
• If the exercise takes place in the evening or over a weekend, will over-
time pay be covered, or will the staff schedules need to be adjusted to
avoid overtime pay?
• If the exercise is to meet a regulatory requirement such as a certiica-
tion, who, or which department, will cover the costs?
If you do not have clear support for any of the above items, this needs
to be addressed when you speak to top management and leadership and
gather their support.
7. Develop a statement of purpose
What do you expect to gain from the exercise?
8. Gain support and announce the exercise
Determine the level of support from those in authority, and then use that
support to garner support among participants.
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