Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Coordinating participants and media
Other supporting planning tasks (e.g., training controllers, evaluators, and
exercise staff)
Needs Assessment
Exercises are designed to motivate participants to think and act as they would in a
real incident. You will need to select the appropriate exercise design that best meets
your organization's needs. If you have developed a comprehensive exercise program,
you will have already evaluated the needs for your organization. In addition to
developing a work plan and organizing a design team in some cases, getting ready
for the exercise involves several steps (see below).
1. Review of the current plans
Is there a plan or does it need to be developed? What does it tell us about ideal
performance—i.e., how are we supposed to implement policies and proce-
dures in the event of an emergency?
2. Conduct a needs assessment
What are our risks and vulnerabilities, and where do we need to focus our
training efforts? Use the checklist in Appendix A to assist you in gathering all
necessary information, developing your needs assessment, and getting ready.
Your needs assessment will help you identify the following:
What functions and activities need practice in the exercise, and which
ones have priority?
Based on the priority, who will participate?
What does the exercise need to do and what are you or your organization
capable of doing?
What are the most likely hazards and the priority levels of those hazards?
For example, if your organization recently updated one of their plans, then
that plan should be validated. Therefore, your needs assessment should reflect
the desire to design and conduct an exercise that would then test that plan.
3. Assess the organization's capability to conduct an exercise
What resources can we draw from to design and implement an exercise?
As you begin the process of designing your exercise, consider the response
activities that your organization would take, what resources would be needed,
and whether your organization is ready for an exercise. Then you can select
the exercise that suits your needs. If you are already sure what type of exercise
you need, skip to the section addressing that type of exercise.
Do you have the resources? Consider the management support, skills,
personnel, time facilities, equipment, and funding that may be required.
The questions below, although very general, can help you assess your orga-
nization's level of capability. For example, you may find that before you
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