Geoscience Reference
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reduce the frequency of media updates as the incident site is brought under
control and especially during recovery.
Enlist the help of experts— It is not possible for you to be an expert in every type
of incident response. Enlist the help of experts and let them answer technical ques-
tions about the incident. Experts may be available from agencies within the local
or state government, from local colleges and universities, or from private industry.
A Note about the Checklist
Before using this or a modified checklist, review local procedures and your respon-
sibilities from the basic EOP. You may find one of the Checklist's greatest benefits
is that it facilitates your thinking about your and your community's readiness to
handle a major incident.
Finally, to make this kit easy for you to use, a sample action memo is included
here (Figure 9.1) for you to consider in taking your next steps to reduce your risk.
Emergency Program Manager
CEO Disaster Survival Kit
Attached, please find the CEO's Disaster Survival Kit. Having reviewed the material, I am very
interested in your opinion concerning the feasibility of tailoring this kit to meet our community-
specific needs. The kit appears to fill some voids in my preparation. In addition to a CEO survival
kit for myself, I think it may be appropriate to develop checklists for the following agency directors:
Emergency Manager
Director of Public Works
Emergency Services Director
Police Chief
Fire Chief
Such a kit cannot help but facilitate our response to any community disaster by delineating
agreed upon essential actions required in the first 30 to 60 minutes of the disaster and assigning
responsibility for those actions.
This kit will not only provide a safer, more structured response by our response agencies, but at a
time when liability suits threatening community officials and departments are so prevalent, using
this kit could provide us with some improved armor.
Let's see if we can develop these materials before we conduct our next disaster exercise. I am
looking forward to seeing what you can do to improve on ideas in this kit and would appreciate
your initial response by _____________.
Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.
Figure 9.1
Sample action memo.
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