Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Mutual aid agreements
Other legal issues:
Monitor equity of service based on needs and risks. Maintain balance
between public welfare and citizens' rights.
Have status of contracts reviewed.
Legal Issues
The fourth panel of the Checklist includes legal issues that you will want to check on
early in the incident. Checking potential legal issues early may very well save you and
the community time, effort, and money later.
A description of the legal issues you should address is listed below.
Contact legal advisors— Set up communications links with the commu-
nity's legal advisor(s). The earlier, the better. Review legal delegations and
legally binding authorities for:
Declaring emergencies
Delegating authorities
Securing intergovernmental assistance through mutual aid
Protecting the population within the appropriate legal safeguards
Other issues may arise based on the incident type, location, cause, and
Monitor equity of service based on needs and risks— Defend against
charges of discrimination by establishing and following criteria for treat-
ing all sectors of the community equitably. This means keeping the public
informed of what is being done to restore the community's essential services
and monitoring service restoration to see that all neighborhoods receive equal
Have status of contracts reviewed— Have your community's legal advisors
review any current contract with suppliers of emergency goods or services as
Political Issues
Regardless of how politically savvy you are, some issues will invariably arise. Staying
aware of what issues are likely will save you political capital and allow you to focus
your energy on the incident at hand.
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