Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Do not have a clear perception of the key players' responsibilities in emer-
gency preparedness or response.
Do not understand the legal requirements and constraints placed on public
officials by enabling legislation and legal governing framework.
Do not play a significant role in public preparedness.
If the above-stated realities apply to your situation, this kit can help you fill the gaps
in your understanding and become a leader in ensuring that your community is as
prepared as possible.
The Public's Expectations and Your Responsibilities
A 2003 public opinion poll conducted for the Office of Citizen Corps surveyed
2000 adults about their concerns regarding emergencies. When asked about the
types of emergencies that worried them most:
Thirty-three percent stated that they were most concerned about terrorism.
Twenty-six percent stated that they were most concerned about man-made
Eighteen percent stated that they were most concerned about hurricanes and/
or violent storms.
When asked who they would expect to rely on in these emergencies:
Sixty-two percent stated that they would expect to rely on first responders.
Thirty-four percent responded that they would expect to rely on government
Additionally, a high percentage of respondents indicated a desire to have a plan for
emergencies. Seventy percent said that they would be more likely to develop plans
if they had support from local government and community organizations.
What do these survey results mean for you as a CEO? Specifically, that means
that today, with the influx of natural disasters that have struck the United States in
2011, citizens are demanding that local government provide adequate and timely
leadership in times of disasters at ALL levels. ALL disaters ARE LOCAL.
What type of leadership are you providing to your community? Ask yourself:
Have I taken an active role in support of the emergency operations plan-
ning process? Have I made it clear to the emergency management agency,
first responders, and other personnel who are involved in emergency pre-
paredness and response that their activities are important to me personally?
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