Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter Title (Choose Phase of Emergency Management)
I. Definitions
II. Past and Current Department Activities
III. Summary of Overall Goals for This Chapter
a. Goal 1
b. Goal 2
c. Goal 3
IV. Individual Goal #1 (taken in order from goals in Section III above)
a. Initiative 1
b. Initiative 2
c. Initiative 3
V. Individual Goal #2
a. Initiative 1
b. Initiative 2
c. Initiative 3
VI. Individual Goal #3
a. Initiative 1
b. Initiative 2
c. Initiative 3
VII. Summary
Figure 4.4 Four phases format for emergency management program strategies.
(From Stovall, S., City of Plano, Texas. City of Plano Department of Emergency
Management Strategic Plan 2011-2016, p. 3, Plano: 2011, Print. With permission.)
can be used when laying out the content of the overall strategy. This example can
be used in each section under the strategy format to provide for a consistent layout
that will make the strategy easier to read and follow.
Once the format and structure of the Emergency Management program strat-
egy document are complete, the Emergency Manager must begin working with the
planning team to fill out the format and structure that have been set forth. This is
done with the development of goals and initiatives to meet these goals.
Developing Strategic Goals
Before continuing with the development of the agency strategy, the Emergency
Manager must understand how to develop a goal. This is one of the most misunder-
stood elements when building a strategy or a business plan. Many do not develop
their goals correctly. As a result, the goals are misunderstood and many times never
reached. A “goal” is defined as follows:
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary: “2. : the end toward which effort is directed :
* “goal.” Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010. Merriam-Webster Online. 14 December
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