Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Continuity-facility locations
Access requirements and lists of sources of equipment necessary to access
the records (this may include hardware and software, microfilm readers,
Internet access, and dedicated telephone lines)
Lists of records-recovery experts and vendors
A copy of the organization's continuity of operations plan
This packet should be annually reviewed with the date and names of the
personnel conducting the review documented in writing to ensure that the
information is current. A copy should be securely maintained at the organiza-
tion's continuity facilities and other locations where it is easily accessible to
appropriate personnel when needed.
10. The development of an annual training program for all staff should include
periodic briefings to managers about the vital records program and its rela-
tionship to the organization's vital records and business needs. Staff training
should focus on identifying, inventorying, protecting, storing, accessing, and
updating the vital records.
11. There should be an annual review of the vital records program to address new
security issues, identify problem areas, update information, and incorporate
any additional vital records generated by new organization programs or func-
tions, or by organizational changes to existing programs or functions. The
review will provide an opportunity to familiarize staff with all aspects of the
vital records program. It is appropriate to conduct a review of the vital records
program in conjunction with continuity exercises.
12. There should be annual testing of the capabilities for protecting classified and
unclassified vital records and for providing access to them from the continu-
ity facility.
Devolution is the capability to transfer statutory authority and responsibility for
essential functions from an organization's primary operating staff and facilities to
other organization employees and facilities, and to sustain that operational capabil-
ity for an extended period.
Devolution planning supports overall continuity planning and addresses the
full spectrum of threats and all-hazards emergency events that may render an orga-
nization's leadership or staff unavailable to support, or incapable of supporting, the
execution of the organization's essential functions from either its primary location
or its alternate location(s). Organizations should develop a devolution option for
continuity, to address how the organization will identify and conduct its essential
functions during an increased threat situation or in the aftermath of a catastrophic
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