Geoscience Reference
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interpretation of aeromagnetic (and radiometric) data. The
collection includes a paper speci cally describing the mag-
netic responses of different kinds of mineral deposits.
Isles, D.J. and Rankin, L.R., 2013. Geological Interpretation of
Aeromagnetic Data. CSIRO Publishing.
This is an e-book published by the Australian Society of
Exploration Geophysicists and the Society of Exploration
Geophysicists. It is an excellent resource for interpreters of
magnetic datasets.
Reeves, C., 2005. Aeromagnetic Surveys: Principles, Practice and
Interpretation. Geosoft.
Canada. It is a comprehensive description of all aspects of
the aeromagnetic method.
Thomas, M.D., 1999. Application of the gravity method in min-
eral exploration: case histories of exploration and discovery.
In Lowe, C., Thomas, M.D. and Morris, W.A. (Eds.), Geo-
physics in Mineral Exploration: Fundamentals and Case
Histories. Geological Association of Canada, Short Course
Notes Volume 14, 101
This is an e-book obtainable from the website of Geosoft
A useful compilation of gravity responses from a variety of
deposit types.
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