Geoscience Reference
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K c = K cb + K e
K e
K cb
Crop development
Late season
Figure 8.3 Crop coeficient curves showing the basal K cb , soil evaporation K e and the
corresponding single K c = K cb + K e curves.
Dual Crop Coeficient
One of the main disadvantages of the single-crop coeficient is that two processes
(transpiration and soil evaporation) have to be covered by one crop coeficient. After
all, the relationship between actual soil evaporation and E ref has nothing to do with
plant characteristics. Therefore Allen et al. ( 1998 ) proposed to use for more accurate
and detailed studies (e.g., studies on daily basis) dual-crop coeficients:
where K cb is the basal crop factor and K e the soil evaporation coeficient. K cb is
deined as the ratio E / E ref when the soil surface is dry. K e describes the evaporation
component of E . Figure 8.3 illustrates the methodology. The value of K cb is smaller
than the value of K c in Figure 8.2 because the latter includes the average soil evap-
oration. If the soil is wet following rain or irrigation K e may be large. However, the
sum of K cb and K e can never exceed a maximum value as determined by the total
energy amount available for evapotranspiration. K e decreases sharply when the top
soil dries out. The corresponding smoothed K c (i.e., K cb + K e ) curve is also shown in
Figure 8.3 and illustrates the effect of averaging K cb and K e over time. The estima-
tion of K e requires a daily water balance computation for the water content in the
top soil. Allen et al. ( 1998 ) describe in detail the procedure to determine both K cb
and K e . Compared to the single-crop coeficient approach, the dual-crop coeficient
approach is more suitable to analyse daily irrigation scheduling or other research
studies in which daily variations in soil surface wetness affect evapotranspiration
and soil water luxes.
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