Geoscience Reference
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Photodissociation event
S 1
S 1
S 0
S 0
Internuclear Distance
Figure 1.7. Electronic transitions during excitation and emission of a fluorophore. This illustration
shows emission occurring from the lowest vibronic level of the excited state due to the high efficiency
of vibrational relaxation.
the fluorescence emission intensity as a function of the emission wavelength and this pro-
vides information pertaining to ground state vibrational levels. This concept is illustrated
in Figure 1.7 . Internal Conversion and Intersystem Crossing
Internal conversion (IC) is a form of radiationless deexcitation (relaxation), whereby a
molecule that is in the ground vibrational level of an excited electronic state migrates
directly to a higher vibrational energy level of a lower energy electronic state with the
same spin multiplicity (Lakowitz, 2006 ) as shown in Figure 1.8a . Through a combination
of internal conversion and vibrational relaxation the energy of the electronically excited
state is given off to vibrational modes of the molecule. Intersystem crossing (ISC) is also
a radiationless relaxation process whereby a molecule in the ground vibrational energy
level of an excited electronic state passes directly into a high vibrational energy level of
a lower energy electronic state (Lakowitz, 2006 ). However, unlike in internal conversion,
the high vibrational energy level of the lower energy electronic state has a different spin
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