Geoscience Reference
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∆λ = 20nm
∆λ = 40nm
∆λ = 60nm
200 300 400
500 600 700
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 3.13. Synchronous fluorescence spectra of treated sewage effluent at 20 nm, 40 nm, and 60 nm
offset values (Δ λ ). (Adapted from Galapate et al., 1998 , with permission from Elsevier.)
For SFS, fluorescence intensities can be expressed as I f = ηI a , where η is the quantum
yield at λ ex and I a is the absorbed intensity (Reynolds and Ahmad, 1995b ). From Beer's law,
I a = I 0 { 1 - exp(- αcl )}, where I 0 is the incident intensity, α is the absorption cross section
and l is the effective sampling length. For αcl<<l, I f ≈ I 0 ηcl . In SFS the excitation wave-
length ( λ ex ) and the emission wavelength ( λ em ) are scanned synchronously, with a fixed
off-set such that △ λ = ( λ em - λ ex ). The normalized fluorescence intensity can be represented
by: I f /I 0 = I 0 λ΄ α ( λ΄ ) cl , where the quantum yield and the absorption cross-section are func-
tions of λ΄ = ( λ em - △ λ ). The intensity distribution will, therefore, show a pronounced peak
when the absorption maximum and the quantum yield maximum overlap. For well defined
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