Geoscience Reference
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be reduced by devising optimum technologies for desalinization and
Canal for supply of
fresh water
Canal for supply of
fresh water
Salton Sea
Drainage system
Overall view
Detailed view
Fig. 13.19
Distribution of water and drainage in the Coachella valley in California.
In summary, for the best use of an environment with salinity problems,
it is necessary to do the following in space and time:
￿ detect the origin of the salts,
￿ examine the characteristics of the soils (salinity, sodicity, pH,
permeability, presence of crystalline salts…),
￿ level the land if necessary,
￿ calculate irrigation and drainage requirements; draw up the
development plan for the area; establish installations (for
application of fresh water and elimination of drainage water,
pumping stations, etc.); examine the durability of the system
￿ take the soils to an appropriate condition (preliminary leaching,
fertilization, gypsum applications for saturating the exchange
complex with Ca, etc.),
￿ select tolerant and remunerative crops,
￿ monitor all year round the movement of fresh water and used
water (maintenance of canals), check the changes in salinity of
the irrigation water, of drainage water and of the soils, and also
monitor the state of the crop.
Regarding saline environments, the main thing has long been
understood since most of the concepts brought out in this chapter were
covered in a basic publication, hardly outdated, which has had the
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