Geoscience Reference
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Many mineral species are involved! Also, the transformation of one to
another is often rapid and reversible. But in some way, it is very simple in
principle: according to the characteristic of the soils, the iron compounds
are found in more or less pure, more or less well-crystallized, variably
hydrated and variably oxidized forms (Trolard et al . 1993).
Field observations
￿ In the field it is possible to use certain coloured indicators to
determine the oxidation state of the iron in the oxides:
￿ a solution (1%) of potassium ferricyanide K 3 Fe 3+ (CN) 6 . The treated
face of the test aggregate becomes dark blue if the medium is
reducing for iron,
￿ a solution (2%) of dipyridyl in 10 per cent acetic acid. A dark red
colour indicates presence of Fe 2+ , therefore a reduced medium.
Field diagnoses regarding soils with excess water pertain to:
￿ use of the land (kind of crop, vegetation),
￿ organic matter content because many soils saturated with water
permanently or for part of the year have lower biological activity,
leading to accumulation of carbon (see § 12.3),
￿ duration of saturation with water if data is available to
estimate it,
￿ depth to the water table,
￿ pH (see § 12.4.2).
12.3.1 The Broad Groups of Soil Microorganisms
Microorganisms are distinguished (Gobat et al. 1998) by:
￿ their energy source, which may be solar ( phototrophy ) or
closely related to oxidation of mineral or organic compounds
( chemotrophy ),
￿ their carbon source, which can be the CO 2 of the air ( autotrophy )
or organic matter ( heterotrophy ),
￿ their tolerance to oxygen: aerobes, anaerobes, facultative aerobes,
oxygen-tolerant anaerobes,
￿ the transformations they engineer.
Some scientists talk of lithotrophy when the electron donor is
mineral and organotrophy when it is organic; but other investigators
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