Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
The qualifiers serve to name the different soils within the groups
reviewed above. They will be found in Table 4.7 (read from left to right,
then top to bottom). It is not possible to give here the exact definitions.
This is particularly true for the depths and thicknesses relevant for
such or such property. One has to be satisfied with some mnemonic
Qualifiers in the WRB
Table 4.7 Qualifiers for forming the soil names in the WRB.
Abruptic /abrupt textural
Aceric /Strongly acid
Acric /Argic
pH, jarosite
with low CEC*
Acroxic /Al and low CEC
Albic /with CDH**
Alcalic /pH > 8.5
Alic /Argic, CEC > 24,
Aluandic /type of
Alumic /with Al >
Al sat > 50%
50% on exch. compl.
Andic /andic properties
Anthraquic /with CDH
Anthric /with CDH
Arenic /sandy on the
Aric /deep-ploughed
Aridic /windblown,
Arzic /with sulphates,
Brunic/ Cambic except
Calcaric /calcareous
in texture
Calcic /with CDH
Cambic/ with (B)
Carbic /type of
Spodic horizon
Chloridic /Salic horizon
Carbonatic /Salic horizon
Chromic /
with Cl -
with carbonates dominant
7.5 YR and redder
Clayic /clayey
Colluvic/ human-related
Cryic /with CDH
Cutanic /with clay skins
Densic /compacted
Drainic /drained
Histic horizon
Duric /with CDH
Dystric /base satura-
Ekranic /artificially
tion < 50%
Entic /without Albic hor.,
Escalic /cropped terrace
Eutric/ base satn
with immature Spodic hor.
> 50%
Eutrosilic /Andic with Si
Ferralic /with CDH
Ferric /with CDH
Fibric /fibrous organic matter
Floatic /floating organic
Fluvic /alluvial
Folic /with CDH
Fractipetric /cemented
Fractiplinthic /same,
but broken
Fragic /with CDH
Fulvic /with CDH
Garbic /with refuse
Gelic /with permafrost
Gelistagnic /standing water
Geric /low CEC
on frozen water
Gibbsic /more than 25%
Glacic /more than 75% ice
Gleyic /with colours
indicating reduction
of iron
Table 4.7 Contd...
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