Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 9.10. Simulated mean ice thickness
fields for (a) 1979-1988, (b) 1989-1996, and
(c) their difference field (b-a). The contour
interval is 0.5 m (from Zhang et al., 2000 , by
permission of AMS).
AOMIP/FAMOS activity are that (1) wintertime surface convection and mixing
in many models seems overly strong, leading to overly deep mixed layers; (2)
Atlantic Water cyclonic circulation around the continental slopes and ridges of the
Arctic Ocean may be strongly influenced in the Canada Basin by the strength of the
Beaufort Gyre winds/ice motion (which is important because considerable early
AOMIP activity focused on getting a cyclonic circulation in the models, which was
then assumed to be correct; and (3) modeled sea ice thickness in most models is
generally too low for thick ice and too high for thin ice (Proshutinsky et al., 2011 ).
An area of strong growth in ice-ocean modeling is data assimilation. Data assim-
ilation is a technique that constrains a model to physical reality by incorporating
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