Geoscience Reference
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Figure 6.7. ( Cont. )
as trace events - the precipitation totals shown in Figure 6.1 include a correction for
such events. For January, the contrast between the Atlantic sector and central Arctic
Ocean also holds with respect to the frequencies of moderate to heavy precipitation.
In July, moderate to heavy precipitation is more evenly distributed across the Arctic
Ocean. The annual cycle in precipitation frequency (not shown) only roughly fol-
lows that of total precipitation over the central Arctic Ocean.
Over the central Arctic Ocean, nearly all January precipitation is in solid form.
On rare occasions, the incursion of a very warm airmass can foster liquid precipi-
tation in parts of this region. The January frequency of solid (liquid) precipitation
is sharply lower (higher) over the northern North Atlantic where temperatures are
highest. Even in July, about half of the precipitation near the pole falls in solid form.
These snow events help to maintain a high surface albedo in this area. Solid precipi-
tation over the Atlantic sector in July is very rare.
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