Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Box 10.1
Article IX
1 Representatives of the Contracting Parties
at suitable intervals
and places, for the purpose of exchanging information, consulting together
shall meet
and recommending to their Governments, measures in furtherance of the
principles and objectives of the Treaty
2 Each Contracting Party which has become a party to the present Treaty by
accession under Article XIII shall be entitled to appoint representatives to
participate in the meetings
during such times as that Contracting Party
demonstrates its interest in Antarctica by conducting substantial research
activity there, such as the establishment of a scienti
c station or the despatch
of a scienti
c expedition.
Article XII
1a The present Treaty may be modi
ed or amended at any time by unanimous
agreement of the Contracting Parties
2a If after the expiration of thirty years from the date of entry into force of the
present Treaty, any of the Contracting Parties
Conference of all the Contracting Parties shall be held as soon as practicable
to review the operation of the Treaty.
b Any
so requests
amendment to the present Treaty which is approved at such a
Conference by a majority of the Contracting Parties
, shall be
communicated by the depositary Government to all Contracting Parties
c If any such
amendment has not entered into force
within a period of
two years
any Contracting Party may
after the expiration of that period
give notice
of its withdrawal from the present Treaty; and such withdrawal
shall take effect two years after the receipt of the notice by the depositary
The secretariat is led by an Executive Secretary and operates under the
direction of the ATCMs. The ATCPs are, so to speak, the Board of the Secretariat,
but they only meet once a year, and there is no delegation of authority to a subgroup
in the periods between ATCMs. In the early days it was clearly a challenge to
the right balance of roles between the Secretariat and the ATCMs. In particular
the ATCPs do not want the Secretariat to be perceived as taking positions on
contentious issues. The
first Executive Secretary, Jan Huber from the Netherlands,
had to operate within narrow bounds. To develop the trust of the ATCPs will no
doubt be a target for its second chief of
cer, Dr Manfred Reinke from Germany, who
took over in 2009.
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