Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.10
Chicks of two Antarctic birds - snowy petrel to the left and sheathbill to the
right - painted by H. Goodchild on the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 1902-04.
first Australian expedition led by Douglas Mawson and the second Shackleton
expedition whose attempt to cross the continent was defeated by the sinking
of the Endurance in the Weddell Sea. Much has been written about all of these
heroic attempts to map, chart and describe this inhospitable continent and
the privations they suffered. It is hard in the twenty-
rst century to imagine
how they managed to achieve so much with inadequate clothing, transport
and equipment.
Most of the Heroic Age expeditions aimed to contribute to science as
well as explore the Antarctic. The thrust of the British effort was to be
rst to
reach the South Pole but, despite that, both of R. F. Scott
s expeditions made
substantial contributions to a wide variety of scienti
fields. Although Roald
s party to the South Pole, his triumph
was eclipsed by the tragic death of Scott and his men on the way back to the
coast. Amundsen
s Norwegian party beat Scott
s planning and techniques were far superior to Scott
s and for
him it was enough simply to be
first. He refused to be encumbered by the
requirements of science and whilst history reminds us that he won the race, it is
the legacy of the science from the British expedition that has contributed so
much to modern Antarctic science.
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