Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
To the future in space science research
Research in the space sciences in the Antarctic has evolved over the decades
following the IGY from vacuum-tube instrumentation at single sites devoted to
purely Earth-centred projects, to highly coordinated arrays of instruments spread
over the continent and to the most sophisticated astronomical telescopes. Data
from these instruments are now widely used to develop new models and new
theoretical understandings of Earth
terrestrial environment, of the
local Milky Way galaxy, and of the universe.
It is dif
s solar
cult, and indeed foolhardy, to predict where research directions and
emphases will trend in the next decade
and certainly in the next
ve decades
leading to the next
(or if there will even be some other emphasis on
polar research at that time). Certainly, given the planning and logistics required to
successfully carry out research in the hostile climatic environment of the Antarctic
continent, research over the next half decade or so will continue to exploit the
instrumentations (including astronomical telescopes) that are currently in place
and are planned. The arrays of instruments from many nations will increasingly
be linked together to obtain a more detailed and real-time perspective of the
polar year
terrestrial environment. There will also be new instruments developed for
upper-atmosphere studies over the next decade. These instruments will be more
sophisticated, especially optical instruments with new imaging and spectral
resolution characteristics.
The astronomical telescopes and their data systems at South Pole, Dome C,
and other possible future locations require high band-width communications to
return data to home institutions. This enhancement in communications is a major
technological (and hence cost) challenge for Antarctic-support nations. Bringing the
full astronomical databases back to home institutions will allow results to be
achieved more quickly and will permit more real-time adjustments in observing
schedules. More remote handling of the telescope observing schedules and
operations will also be possible. Higher band-width communications will also
enable the solar
terrestrial research programmes to develop innovate and adaptive
research operations that can respond to real-time events and contribute more
broadly to space weather forecasting.
The next decade will also see more technological developments in the use of
wind and solar power at Antarctic locations at year-round, seasonal
field, and
remote unmanned locations. Together with a continued decrease in electrical
demands from individual instruments due to innovations in electronics parts
and designs, clever new station power source designs will enable a much more
vigorous and expansive deployment of remote observation sites. Such a
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