Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 22.1 Domain coverage
and terrain height of
automatic weather stations, wind profilers, total precipitable water vapour from the
Global Positioning System (GPS), radar Doppler velocity and radar wind retrieval
(see next section).
In NHM-3DVAR, the model optimal analysis is calculated from the best linear
unbiased estimate of the control variables representing the model states that
minimize the following cost function:
/ D J b C J o D 1
x x B / T C 1
/ T
2 .
x x B /
2 .
y Hx
y Hx
where x
x B are respectively control variable vector and model background
field. The control variables of NHM-3DVAR include horizontal wind components,
pressure, potential temperature and pseudo relative humidity in terms of the ratio of
specific humidity of water vapour to its saturation value. y represents a state vector
containing observation data and H is the observation operator. In ( 22.1 ), B and R
are respectively background and observation error covariance matrices where model
error represented in the B matrix is estimated using the NMC method ( Parrish and
Derber 1992 ).
In RAPIDS-NHM, Doppler velocity data from the two S-band weather radars
in Tai Mo Shan and Tates' Cairn in Hong Kong are used. Radar radial velocity
data on selected CAPPI levels (at altitudes from 1 to 3 km above sea levels) are
thinned to separate the wind data into about three grid-point spacing (5-6 km) in
order to reduce the correlation between them. The radial velocity data are passed
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