Geoscience Reference
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ˇ ˇ ˇ
x b / ˇ ˇ ˇ
x a x b / M.
x a / M.
ˇ ˇ ˇM.
ˇ ˇ ˇ
r er D
x a / M.
x b /
D " exp " ref
" ref
Validity tests of the tangent-linear approximations are mostly performed over the
time period and at the resolution at which adjoint models will be applied in practice:
resolution and time length of an inner-loop integration of 4D-Var system (e.g. 12 h,
T255 and 91 vertical levels at ECMWF) or longer time periods for singular vectors
and sensitivity applications (e.g. 24 h at ECMWF). An example of the results from
such TL approximation assessment will be given in Sect. 11.6.1 .
Adjoint Version
The adjoint of a linearized operator, M , is the linear operator, M , such that:
M :
8 x
; 8 y
> D <
denotes the inner product and x and y are input vectors.
Besides, the adjoint model M can provide the gradient of any objective function,
J , with respect to x
.t i /
from the gradient of the objective function with respect to
.t i C 1 /
.t i /
.t i C 1 /
The integration of the AD forecast model works backward in time. One should
remember that,
being non-linear, M as well as M depend on the particular
state of the atmosphere, x , about which the linearization is performed. The adjoint
operator, for the simplest canonical scalar product
( 11.10 ), is actually the
transpose of the tangent linear operator, M T (not its inverse).
For the practical verification of the adjoint code, one must test the identity
described in ( 11.10 ). It should be emphasized that it is absolutely essential to ensure
that the TL and AD codes verify ( 11.10 ) to the level of machine precision, even
when vectors x and y are global 3D atmospheric states and even for time integrations
up to 12 or 24 h. Note that a correct adjoint test does not imply the correctness of
tangent-linear code.
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