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and the vector f 0 D
v D 0
and the matrix coefficients of the expansion, M i ,are
to be determined below.
The unusual vector notation v 2 represents a vector of length
p 2 such that,
v 2 D v ˝ v D v 1 v T v 2 v T v p v T T
where the symbol “˝” refers to the Kronecker product and v i is the ith element of
the innovation vector. A similar representation applies to the
p 3 -vector v 3 and so on.
The entire polynomial expansion in ( 7.5 ) may formally be represented as
x x f D f 0 C G v
M 1 M 2 :::
M 1 ;
v D v T v 2T v 1 T T
Equation ( 7.7 ) describes how to calculate the mean of the posterior using the
“linear” update involving the gain matrix G operating on the predictor vector v ,
where v is comprised of an infinite number of predictors formed from today's
To determine the vector f 0 we note that a random draw from the posterior
distribution is x D x C ©
is a random variable with zero mean. Therefore,
an equation for the “error” in estimating the true state as the posterior mean may be
obtained by subtracting x from both sides of ( 7.7 ):
© D © f .
f 0 C G v
Because the expected value of
© f must vanish this implies that
f 0 D G h v i ;
i T
h v i T ˝ v 2 ˛ T
h v i D
and the notation hi represents the expected value of a random variable. Note that if
we assume that h v iD 0 this implies that we have assumed that the observation and
the mean of the prior are accurate in so far as the distribution of truth about them is
Given ( 7.11 ) we may now re-write ( 7.10 )as
© D © f G v 0 ;
where v 0
D v h v i, which now clearly has the property that the “errors” have zero
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