Geoscience Reference
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three-carbon sugar phosphate molecules, which the
plant uses to make more complex carbohydrates.
Flesh-eating mammals.
Reconstruction of past climate change from tree rings.
A transitional zone between two habitats (e.g. forest
bordering grassland).
The previous interglacial (in some texts referred to as
the Ipswichian, Sangamon or Eem-Sangamon inter-
glacial) that occurred some 125 000 years ago.
Organism(s) living inside the cell of another, in a sym-
biotic (close and mutually beneficial) relationship.
A 22 million-year epoch beginning 55.8 mya ( see
Appendix 2).
An organism with cells that contain a membrane-
bound nucleus and other structures (organelles) also
surrounded by a membrane. Animals and plants have
eukaryotic cells. See also prokaryote.
Changes in global sea level due to changes in the size
of the Earth's ocean basins, as well as in local sea level
due to tectonic movement.
The total loss of water from soil by evaporation and
by the transpiration of plants growing in the soil.
The number of offspring produced by an individual or
breeding pair.
The north-western part of the Eurasian continent and
commonly used in association with the glacial ice
sheets covering the north of that continent.
The ability to reproduce (irrespective of realisation).
(Note: some human demography texts do not distin-
guish between fertility and fecundity. Ecologists do,
and this text uses the ecological definition to avoid
A factor that affects the climate, warming or cooling
it. Climate-forcing factors include aerosols and green-
house gases.
A cool period within an ice age with expanded ice
caps and lower sea levels. However, often in common
parlance glacials are known as ice ages and this can
lead to some confusion.
global warming potential
The global warming over a specific time period result-
ing from the addition of a greenhouse gas compared
to the same mass of carbon dioxide.
Gondwana (Gondwanaland)
The supercontinent in the southern hemisphere that
existed 200 mya but which has since fragmented.
Heinrich events
Short periods of glacial Arctic ice rafting.
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