Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.7. Explanatory scheme on the evolution of the orientation of a contact force
during a loading or unloading (figure taken from [BIA 62])
With the numerical discrete modeling tool (DEM), it is possible to analyze this
kind of local variable directly. It is then very convenient to construct the following
three stress tensors:
- the stress tensor computed from the local contact forces using the equation of
change of scale:
σ ij = 1
F i k l j k
- the part of this tensor only linked to the normal components of the contact
σ ij N = 1
F i Nk l j k
- the part of this tensor only linked to the tangential components of the contact
σ i T = 1
F i Tk l j k
where V is the volume in which the contact forces are considered, F k is the contact
force vector applied to contact k and l k is the vector joining the centers of mass of
the two particles in contact at contact-point k .
If component σ 11 T is considered, it is clear that this component is positive when
components F 1 Tk and l 1 k have essentially the same signs; whenever the global
component is negative, the local components have essentially opposite signs.
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