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[MOD 89a] Modaressi H., Aubry D., “Numerical modeling for the flow of compressible
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[MOD 89b] Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi A., Modelisation mécanique des bétons
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[MOD 94a] Modaressi A., Abou-Bekr N., “Constitutive model for unsaturated soils;
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[MOD 94b] Modaressi A., Abou-Bekr N., “A unified approach to model the behavior of
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[MOD 95] Modaressi A., Modaressi H., “Thermoplastic constitutive model for unsaturated
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[MOD 96] Modaressi A., Abou-Bekr N., Fry J., “Unified approach to model partially
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[MOD 97] Modaressi H., Laloui L., “A thermoviscoplastic constitutive model for clays”,
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics , vol. 21,
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[MOD 03] Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi A., Modélisation des Milieux Poreux Sous
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[NOV 04] Nova R., “The role of non-normality in soil mechanics and some of its mathematical
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[PAS 85] Pastor M., Zienkiewicz O., Leung K., “Simple model for transient soil loading
in earthquake analysis. II Non-associative models for sands”, International Journal of
Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics , vol. 9, p. 477-498, 1985.
[PAS 95] Pastor M., Quecedo M., “A patch test for mesh alignment effects in localized
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