Geoscience Reference
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Figure 9.17. Methodology to identify model parameters for sands [LOP 07]
the methodology to natural soils and to continue its validation on real sites and geo-
The approach for sands, summarized in Figure 9.17, has already been applied
to Hostun and Toyoura sands. To be validated, it needs to be applied to sands with
different physical characteristics. In particular, the determining parameters for these
materials being their relative density and the likelihood to liquefaction, a more profound
investigation is currently being carried out at ECP.
9.4.5. Application of parameter identification strategy
We hereby present this strategy as it is applied to a coarse material coming from a
dike [FLE 02]. Some of the parameters are measured directly from the test results,
whereas others are calibrated by using numerical simulation [NGU 05]. With this
example, we want to illustrate the importance of a coherent set of parameters. Even if
it is always possible to find a set of parameters that simulate the behavior for a given
stress-path, it is not necessarily possible to obtain the appropriate behavior with the
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