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pressure changes [BI0 41; COU 95; DEB 90; LOR 00; RIC 76]. At the origin,
effective stress was the macroscopic stress of the solid skeleton. In the case of
saturated soils, the expression which is generally used is [NUR 71; SKE 61]
σ' = σ - α p w δ
where σ' is the effective stress tensor, σ the total stress tensor, δ the unit tensor, p w
the pore fluid pressure and α the Biot coefficient.
In the case of an isotropic material:
α =−
where K T is the compressibility modulus of the solid phase and K s , the
compressibility modulus of the solid grains. If the solid constituent is supposed to be
incompressible ( K s ∝; α = 1), the previous relationship becomes Terzaghi's
effective stress [TER 36]:
σ' = σ - p w δ
In the case of unsaturated soils, effective stress was expressed for the first time
by Bishop [BIS 59; BIS 63] as
σ' = σ - p a δ + χ ( p a - p w ) δ
Here p a is the pore-air pressure and χ is an effective stress parameter, called
Bishop's parameter, which is a function of the degree of saturation (equal to 1 for
saturated soils and 0 for dry soils). Effective stress can also be written as
σ' = σ net + χ p c δ
σ net = σ - p a δ : net total stress
p c = p a - p w : capillary pressure.
[BIS 61] and [BIS 63] showed, first on the basis of experimental results, that the
shear strength and volume change remained the same when the net total stress σ net
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