Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 5
Models by Jean Biarez for the Behavior
of Clean Sands and Remolded Clays
at Large Strains
5.1. Introduction
In the course of his career, Jean Biarez collected a great number of experimental
test results that were used to develop an all-encompassing approach for studying soil
behavior. In this chapter, we are especially interested by his work on behavior at
large strains, which can be important, for example, in calculating the conditions for
running penetrometer or pressuremeter tests. The materials examined by our present
topic are remolded clay and clean sand. Even if these materials are solely laboratory
soils, it can be said that all post-Glacial natural clays and non-cemented sands have
these characteristics in common.
Two groups of parameters can sum up the properties of any given soil. The first
group involves identification parameters linked to the mineralogical nature of the
grains and can be represented, for example, in the case of clays, not only by their
Atterberg limits but also by their equivalent void ratios or by e max and e min in the case
of sands. The second group involves mechanical parameters ( e or w nat ) that express
the geometric arrangement of grains and of their evolution.
The soil - a granular and discontinuous medium (DM) - may be regarded as a
virtual continuous medium (CM) with statistical correlations presented in the
explanatory scheme in Table 5.1. Hence, what we call “mechanical properties of
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