Geoscience Reference
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HWRDs are structures that present exceptional challenges for geotechnical
engineers, researchers and operators. There is a great need to improve the present
state of the art concerning the real behavior of in situ waste rock, subjected to the
concomitant effect of high stresses and natural or forced leaching, by taking into
account the scale effects related to the particle sizes of these materials. There are
uncertainties about the possible failure modes of these structures, which can be more
complicated than those analyzed by conventional limit equilibrium methods, as well
as about the sliding mechanisms, especially when debris flows may occur.
The design, operation and construction practices of HWRDs should be improved
through a number of preventive measures to reduce potential instabilities. Water
diversion, snow management, and drainage conditions require very special attention
to ensure the physical stability and environmental viability of such structures.
It is necessary to know how these structures will behave in different
environments. By monitoring and taking in situ measurements, documents of their
operation can be gathered and valuable information will be saved. It is also
necessary to design and manufacture new instrumentation systems that are more
robust and destined to survive under very restrictive environments, subjected to
large deformations and stresses induced by heavy rock transport equipment and an
aggressive chemical environment.
4.9. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to express their most sincere thanks to División Andina of
Codelco Chile and to Anglo American Chile, for supporting most of the applied
research that was carried out in relation to high waste rock. We also thank the
IDIEM Laboratory and Professor Ramón Verdugo for their kind willingness to
accept suggestions and comments during the development of the testing campaign.
We also recognize, with gratitude, the help of Professor Norbert Morgenstern who,
at the early stages of the HWRDs studies, recommended many of the analyses that
are discussed in this chapter. Finally, we extend a special acknowledgement of the
support provided by the Arcadis Chile geotechnical team, particularly Roberto Leon
and Luis Valenzuela, Director of Arcadis Chile.
4.10. Bibliography
[ARC 06-07] A RCADIS , Internal Report, 2006-07.
[BAR 93] B ARD E., Comportement des matériaux granulaires secs et à liant hydrocarboné.
Doctorate thesis, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France, no. 93 ECAP 0320, 1993.
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