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The Process of Building Institutions
Building a drought management system takes time, commitment and the sustained
provision of resources. From the fi rst project design in 1985 to the creation of the
NDMA in 2011, the Kenyan system took 26 years. It was well-resourced during this
period. It would be optimistic to expect it could have been done much faster or with
fewer resources.
Long-term commitment by governments, donors, communities and other stake-
holders, with critical contributions by individual champions within each of these
institutions, was an important part of the process. The development of the drought
management system in Kenya is also a case study in successful aid. The European
Union, for example, has been a constant ally since the beginning and remains one of
the NDMA's closest partners.
Cabot Venton C, Fitzgibbon C, Shitarek T, Coulter L, Dooley O (2012) The economies of early
response and disaster resilience: lessons from Kenya and Ethiopia. DFID, London
De Waal A (1989) Famine that kills: Darfur, Sudan. Oxford University Press, New York
Holden S, Ackello-Ogutu C (1998) Oxfam Wajir Pastoral development project economic impact
assessment. Resource Management and Policy Analysis Institute (REMPAI), Nairobi
ITDG (2001) NGO initiatives in risk reduction, case study no. 13: Rainwater harvesting. http:// . Accessed 16 Oct 2013
NDMA (2010) Drought response manual: sectoral activities eligible for funding from the National
Drought Contingency Fund. NDMA, Nairobi
NDMA (2013a) Learning from the pioneers: workshop report, 26-29 Aug 2013. NDMA, Nairobi
NDMA (2013b) Drought risk management and ending drought emergencies medium term plan,
2013-17. NDMA, Nairobi
Republic of Kenya (1985) Turkana district resources survey 1982-1984. Turkana Rehabilitation
Project, Lodwar
Sen A (1981) Poverty and famines: an essay on entitlements and deprivation. Oxford University
Press, Oxford
Swift J (1985) Planning against drought and famine in Turkana. NDMA, Nairobi
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