Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
The ALRMP was moved between three different ministries during its lifetime,
on each occasion being required to re-negotiate its operating modalities with the
new ministry. At various times different parts of the drought management system
have found themselves under different ministries. State corporations such as the
NDMA are permanent institutions with greater protection from this kind of
Second, drought is a perennial risk and therefore requires both continuity of
approach and the space to make constant improvements to practice over time. A project
with a fi nite shelf-life is unable to deliver this. The more permanent nature of a state
corporation provides scope for sustained learning and growth, as well as oversight of
the longer-term development processes that will build drought resilience. The NDMA
can, for example, infl uence development plans and budgets on a continuous basis to
ensure that these prioritise measures to reduce the vulnerability of drought-affected
Third, drought impacts are best tackled early, well before any signs of crisis are
apparent; early response is also more cost-effective (Cabot Venton et al. 2012 ). This
means that funds must always be available for immediate action. Regular govern-
ment procurement and fi nancing systems are unable to guarantee this: normal prac-
tice has been that funds are re-allocated for drought response from other budget
lines, which is particularly problematic at the start or end of a fi scal year. However,
unlike ministries, state corporations are permitted to carry over funds at the end of
the year, giving the NDMA a greater degree of fi nancial fl exibility.
Fourth, the basis of good drought management is a credible and trusted informa-
tion system which accurately captures evolving drought conditions and uses objec-
tively verifi able triggers to guide action. The NDMA's semi-autonomous status
provides some protection for independent decision-making and strengthens the
Authority's ability to direct resources on the basis of objective evidence rather than
political pressure. As a specialist body it can also develop the competencies needed
to deepen confi dence in the technical quality and credibility of the drought informa-
tion system over time.
Finally, droughts have impacts across many areas of life. A wide range of actors
have important contributions to make, including communities, civil society organ-
isations, donors and many parts of government. Collaborative action is critical, par-
ticularly in the early stages. As a legally constituted body, the NDMA has the
necessary convening powers to ensure adherence to agreed norms and standards.
The Drought Management System Today
Overview of the System
At the heart of Kenya's drought management system is the concept of the drought
cycle. While to some extent the model is a simplifi cation in that the various stages
of a drought are not so clearly distinct, it nevertheless illustrates the way in which
droughts wax and wane.
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