Geoscience Reference
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The Environment Agency also sells some of its information to licensed developers.
'Value Added Resellers' have developed Environment Agency data into a 'Flood
Alert' app 15 and a live interactive fl ood warning map 16 which started off, and still is a
Facebook app. 17 These apps do not require registration to the fl ood warning service.
They display all warnings 'in force' and also use location information acquired from
the user's device to display the most proximate fl ood warning area's status.
Preparedness and Exercising
To ensure all systems, infrastructure, plans and procedures work effectively when
required, and to identify areas in need of improvement, all aspects of fl ood prepared-
ness are “exercised” regularly. The largest national fl ood exercise in the UK occurred
in March 2011 - Exercise Watermark. More than 20,000 participants in over 200
different venues took part, including communities and businesses, local authorities,
responder organisations, the UK government and about 2,000 staff from the
Environment Agency. Test fl ood warnings were issued, demountable fl ood barriers
erected, stranded 'victims' rescued and ministers activated the Cabinet Offi ce
Briefi ng Rooms. All worked together to manage the widespread fl ooding scenario.
Exercise Watermark highlights how many individuals and groups are involved in
mitigating fl ood risk in England and how much coordination is needed between
actors. Local Resilience Forums bring many organisations together to effectively
plan a multi-agency response for emergencies (EA 2011b ; Cabinet Offi ce ( 2013
(V2)). The Environment Agency is by no means the only fl ood responder. For an
early warning system to be effective, all actors need to be prepared. Preparedness
among the public varies however, despite all efforts. Some have active, caring, com-
munity groups and have created community fl ood plans. But others are indifferent
or unaware of the fl ood risk in their location. Perhaps it could be fair to say that one
of the most signifi cant factors limiting the effectiveness of the fl ood forecasting
system and fl ood warning service in England is the understanding and awareness of
those receiving the messages. People need to understand the fl ood warning in order
to respond and to reduce the impact of fl ood to their properties and to minimize
human casualties.
Flood warnings are by no means the only method used by the Environment Agency
to manage fl ood risk in England. Examples include fl ood and coastal erosion risk
management, 18 coastal defence and research into resilience and knowledge
15 oodalert
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