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gravimetry (such as combined GRACE and GOCE) is thus a vital component of a mult-
isensor Earth-observing system, which complements and relates observations of different
Earth system constituents in a common and consistent global framework (Panet et al.
2012 ). Being closely related to changes in sea level, ocean transports, glaciers and ice caps,
future mass change observations from satellites (at a 100 km scale not resolved by GRACE
today) have the potential to significantly advance the ability to monitor seasonal-to annual-
to decadal variability in ocean mass transport.
Acknowledgments The work presented in this paper has partly been supported by European Union 7th
Framework Program through the MONARCH-A Collaborative Project, FP7-Space-2009-1 contract no.
242446. In addition, it has been supported by the Research Council of Norway funded projects Number
200408 (SATICE) and number 212020 (GOCE MDT) and the (ESA/NRS) PRODEX project IGOCE,
contract number 90377. The study was also partly funded by the Centre for Climate Dynamics at the
Bjerknes Centre.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the
source are credited.
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