Geoscience Reference
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Kumar SV, Reichle RH, Peters-Lidard CD, Koster RD, Zhan X, Crow WT, Eylander JB, Houser PR (2008a)
A land surface data assimilation framework using the Land Information System: description and
applications. Adv Water Resour 31:1419-1432. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2008.01.013
Kumar SV, Peters-Lidard C, Tian Y, Reichle R, Geiger J, Alonge C, Eylander J, Houser P (2008b) An
integrated hydrologic modeling and data assimilation framework. IEEE Comput 41:52-59. doi:
Kumar SV, Reichle RH, Harrison KW, Peters-Lidard CD, Yatheendradas S, Santanello JA (2012) A
comparison of methods for a priori bias correction in soil moisture data assimilation. Water Resour Res
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Li L, Gaiser P, Jackson T, Bindlish R, Du J (2007) WindSat soil moisture algorithm and validation. In: IEEE
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Li B, Rodell M, Zaitchik BF, Reichle RH, Koster RD, van Dam TM (2012) Assimilation of GRACE
terrestrial water storage into a land surface model: evaluation and potential value for drought moni-
toring in western and central Europe. J Hydrol 446-447:103-115. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.04.035
Liu Q, Reichle RH, Bindlish R, Cosh MH, Crow WT, de Jeu R, De Lannoy GJM, Huffman GJ, Jackson TJ
(2011a) The contributions of precipitation and soil moisture observations to the skill of soil moisture
estimates in a land data assimilation system. J Hydrometeorol 12:750-765. doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-10-
Liu YY, Parinussa RM, Dorigo WA, de Jeu RAM, Wagner W, van Dijk AIJM, McCabe MF, Evans JP
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satellite-based retrievals. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 15(2):425-436. doi: 10.5194/hess-15-425-2011
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Njoku EG, Jackson TJ, Lakshmi V, Chan TK, Nghiem SV (2003) Soil moisture retrieval from AMSR-E.
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Pan M, Wood EF (2006) Data assimilation for estimating the terrestrial water budget using a constrained
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Pan M, Wood EF, Wojcik R, McCabe MF (2008) Estimation of regional terrestrial water cycle using multi-
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Parinussa RM, Holmes TRH, de Jeu RAM (2012) Soil moisture retrievals from the WindSat spaceborne
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Reichle RH (2012) The MERRA-land data product (Version 1.1). NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation
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Reichle RH, Koster RD (2003) Assessing the impact of horizontal error correlations in background fields on
soil moisture estimation. J Hydrometeorol 4:1229-1242
Reichle RH, Koster RD (2004) Bias reduction in short records of satellite soil moisture. Geophys Res Lett
31:L19501. doi: 10.1029/2004GL020938
Reichle RH, Koster RD (2005) Global assimilation of satellite surface soil moisture retrievals into the
NASA catchment land surface model. Geophys Res Lett 32:L02404. doi: 10.1029/2004GL021700
Reichle RH, Entekhabi D, McLaughlin DB (2001) Downscaling of radiobrightness measurements for soil
moisture estimation: a four-dimensional variational data assimilation approach. Water Resour Res
37:2353-2364. doi: 10.1029/2001WR000475
Reichle RH, McLaughlin DB, Entekhabi D (2002a) Hydrologic data assimilation with the ensemble Kalman
filter. Mon Weather Rev 130:103-114
Reichle RH, Walker JP, Koster RD, Houser PR (2002b) Extended vs. ensemble Kalman filtering for land
data assimilation. J Hydrometeorol 3:728-740
Reichle RH, Koster RD, Liu P, Mahanama SPP, Njoku EG, Owe M (2007) Comparison and assimilation of
global soil moisture retrievals from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth
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