Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
5 Monbiot did not, however, claim that David
Bellamy had received funding from ExxonMobil.
humorous account of the role of science in the
field of climate change. The topic tells the story
of the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Michael
Beard and his journey from being indifferent to
the threats of climate change to becoming one
of the leading figures in the pursuit of alternative
energy sources that could be used to avert
climate catastrophe.
McNeill, J. (2000) Something New Under the Sun:
An Environmental History of the Twentieth
Century, Penguin, London. This volume pro-
vides a comprehensive and highly accessible
account of issues relating to atmospheric pollu-
tion and climate change.
Hulme, M. (2009) Why We Disagree About Climate
Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction
and Opportunity, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge. This topic provides an excellent
overview of the nature of the scientific debate
within the field of climate change studies.
McEwan, I. (2011) Solar, Vintage Books, London.
This novel provides a very interesting and
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